Customer Experience
Ornella Underwriting Ltd.
Build and distribute new products quickly
As an Applied Customer
Additional Info
Employees: 40
Offices: 1
Ornella Underwriting, an established Managing General Agent (MGA), has distributed products and solutions on behalf of market-leading insurers via the Applied platform since 2013. When the MGA set out to deliver a new Homeowners product, they were guided by the Applied team to leverage Applied Riskhandler to gain the flexibility they needed in building, distributing and maintaining new products.
Ornella partnered with Applied to use Applied Riskhandler which enables rapid insurance product innovation and underwriting controls for full-cycle rate, quote and bind.
Applied Riskhandler allows Ornella Underwriting to save time and go to market faster. “Applied Riskhandler allows us to manage rate and appetite ourselves,” stated Brian Hughes, director of Underwriting at Ornella Underwriting Ltd. “If we need to make a change, we can just go straight on to Applied Riskhandler and release product updates live.” With easy product change controls, Ornella Underwriting can guarantee customers always have the most up-to-date products.
Along with ensuring the latest pricing and risk selection, Applied Riskhandler allows Ornella to be flexible with their underwriting rules. “Previously when a broker had a risk that fell outside of our underwriting,” Brian explained, “they’d have to call and ask if they could put it on cover. If we could, it was a laboursome, manual process to write that policy. And even more manual processes and calls to make changes mid-term and at renewal.”
“But with Riskhandler, the broker can refer the risk within the system and if it’s acceptable to us we can write that risk as normal. And once the policy is accepted, the broker can make policy changes with automatic acceptances and Ornella has a full record of the referral process available within the policy record.”
Not only is this process easier and less time-consuming for the staff at Ornella, but Brian also adds, “The broker is more likely to refer the risk to you if they can bind it within their system rather than having to go to the trouble of phoning so that’s generated business.”
Applied is ready to help you learn more about leveraging advanced insurance software and solutions to build a better insurance business.