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Applied Systems acquiert Planck pour stimuler la valeur de la prochaine génération du parcours numérique de l'assurance. Apprenez-en Plus


Keep up with consumer demand for instant service with access to the latest policy-related information within your management system. Eliminate time spent manually managing paperwork and requesting information from individual insurer partners. Applied Download Services™ automates the exchange of critical policy-related information to ensure the most up-to-date information is instantly available at the moment you need it.

Key Benefits

  • A blue clock icon slightly overlapping a gear icon

    Increase operational efficiency

    Eliminate time spent re-keying data and processing requests. Instantly access client policy documents on demand.

  • An icon with a blue hand under an outline of a woman with three vertical lines above her head

    Enhance customer service

    Quickly access policy and claims information directly in your management system -- at the client and policy level -- to provide timely and effective customer service.

  • A black key icon with two arrows circulating it

    Eliminate administrative expenses

    Reduce dependency on paper-based communications to save time and money


Applied est prêt à vous aider à en savoir plus sur la manière de tirer parti des logiciels d’assurance et des solutions de pointe afin de mieux développer vos affaires d’assurance.