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Accessing Applied Epic via an Internet Browser has been an option for years, and in that time we’ve heard positive feedback and are seeing ongoing adoption. We’ve picked up on some important pieces of feedback along the way and thought it would be helpful to share with you!

Check out the top Myths below and click Get the Facts to learn more.

  • An icon with a blue hand under an outline of a woman with three vertical lines above her head

    Myth 1

    Accessing Applied Epic via an Internet browser is less secure than accessing Applied Epic via my desktop. 

  • A purple lock icon with a signal

    Myth 2

    Applied Epic Browser does not have all the same features and capabilities as the desktop version of Applied Epic.

  • A clipboard with a purple checklist with a checkmark inside a circle on the bottom right of the clipboard

    Myth 3

    Outlook integration is not supported with Applied Epic Browser.

  • A circle web diagram with an orange center

    Myth 4

    There are no advantages to using Browser.

  • A green hand receiving money

    Myth 5

    I have to pay for the upgrade to Applied Epic Browser.

  • A purple clock with an arrow going clock wise around the circumference

    Myth 6

    The performance of Applied Epic in the browser is going to be slower.

  • A yellow arrow with five lines at the pointer

    Myth 7

    Accessing Epic via the Browser is the same as accessing Applied EpicCloud.

  • A diagram with a woman in the center and arrows circulating around her pointing to a blue cloud, a blue building, a blue laptop, and a  blue smart phone

    Myth 8

    Epic Browser does not support the technology/browsers I need.

What other “myths” have you heard about Applied Epic's upgraded login method? We want to hear – and debunk – them. While you’re there, let us know when you’re planning to make the move!