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Moving away from Applied TAM® to an open, cloud-based, all-in-one solution like Applied Epic® is exciting but may also make you anxious. We get it, change can be challenging, but as you think about the future of your business – change is a necessity. To support you through the process, we've assembled resources to help you discover, understand, prepare, and get started on your migration journey.

We're Here to Help



Discover Digital Brokerage

Want to see how becoming a digital brokerage will transform your business? Check out these helpful resources for a full Applied Epic Digital Brokerage demonstration.



Understand the Process

The next step in your journey is understanding the implementation process. How does it work? Who can log in to Applied Epic, and how quickly can everyone be trained? Check out these resources to understand the implementation process.



Prepare for Change

A successful Applied TAM migration should be as minimally disruptive as possible. Being prepared for the change is essential for you and your staff, and having a solid plan reduces costly overruns and delays. Check out these resources to prepare for your migration.


Get Started

We understand that changing management systems can seem daunting, but we’re here to help! We’ve migrated thousands of users from Applied TAM to Applied Epic, and we’re here to help you along the way.